Sunday, January 13, 2013

Local poster for Hygienic Screening Room 20

If you're in the southeastern Connecticut area, look out for these flyers at the more discerning coffee shops, gin joints and rock n' roll record stores.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Last City screening in New London, CT

Another January gig!

The Last City in the East will be screening at the venerable Hygienic Art Gallery along with a host of local, national and international short films for their annual event.
On January 25, if you're in the New London, CT area on come see our film and have a beer!

(exact time TBD)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Frozen River Fringe Friday - Latest info

UPDATE! Paul Dickinson will be appearing in person at the screening to talk about the film, answer questions, and read some of his latest work.

For those not in the know, Fringe Friday is the height of wintertime culture down in Winona -- it's definitely a unique experience.

What:   The Last City in the East
When:  January 25, 2013  at  1pm
Where:   Winona Public Library